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10 Sun Protection Tips For Darker Skin Tones

Learn 10 Sun protection tips for darker skin tones. Discover all the beauty tips and advice on Sun Protection for different types of skin, by Garnier

You may relish your naturally tanned complexion and make your friends wildly jealous when they get sun burn or sun damage. But if you have a darker skin tone, don’t forget that sun protection is just as important for you as it is for pale-skinned sun lovers!

1. I can’t burn, so I don’t need to bother with sun cream, do I?
Though darker skin tones have a naturally higher amount of melanin, affording you the equivalent of SPF 4, don’t be fooled, you are still at risk of serious sun damage from UV rays.

2. The hidden danger
People with darker skin tones could be at more risk than others for long-term skin damage simply because it goes unnoticed due to their naturally darker complexions. This is why frequent check-ups are important, and wearing sunscreen every day is essential.

3. Sun protection isn’t just for holidays
Yes, you should definitely apply high SPF on holiday, but how often do you go out into the sun on normal days? If you wear at least SPF 15 every day, you protect your skin in advance of any damage, leading to less signs of ageing.

4. Pick the right SPF for your needs
The higher the SPF, the more protected your skin will be, though applying SPF 50+ every day could irritate your skin, especially if it is naturally sensitive. Keep a range of different factors at home and adapt your choice to the weather.

5. Keep applying for constant protection
Not many people know this, but UV rays can even be harmful on cloudy, overcast days, penetrating cloud and windows to damage your skin. Apply sun cream every day and keep it topped up to make sure you are fully protected.

6. Watch out for dark patches
Darker skin tones types may not burn, but sun damage can lead to dark patches appearing on the face, which are both generally undesirable and also signs of serious damage.

7. Don’t rely just on sunscreen
When going out on a sunny day, it is a good idea to add a big hat and cover up as much of your skin as possible in order to limit sun damage. Even with SPF 50, you are safer shielded from the sun, not just creamed against it.

8. Opt for broad-spectrum protection
While most creams protect against UVA, not all cover UVB rays too. Make sure you get a sunblock that guards against both.

9. Pick the sun protection to suit you
Be it sunblock for oily skin, lotions for dry skin, or even the option of spray mists – much more practical for people with darker skin tones who sometimes have more body hair to deal with.

10. Try an SPF-protection moisturiser
Darker skin tones can be particularly prone to dryness, so why not commit yourself to a daily moisturising routine that has inbuilt SPF 15 or higher? This will keep your skin hydrated and constantly protected from the sun.